Year 1
Period 1 and 2 : An introduction to biobased materials
In the first 2 periods of 8 weeks each, we set you up for success by giving you a broad foundation with 4 compulsory courses. We will introduce you to the fundamentals of the different disciplines in the programme: biobased materials, process technology, biology, material science and organic chemistry.
Period 3: Project period 1
After having obtained a solid foundation with the compulsory courses, you’ll gain the complementary skills and hands-on experience with a research project. Over the span of 4 weeks, you’ll work in a small group on a real-life research challenge. This is often in direct collaboration with companies and research institutes like The Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM).
Period 4 and 5 : Tailoring your programme
During the 4th and 5th period it’s time to choose your electives. You have 8 electives to choose from which will enable you to specialize your curriculum to fit your interests and ambitions: Molecular Genetics and Bioengineering, Advanced Macromolecular Chemistry, Applied Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Materials, Plant-derived Building Blocks, Organic coatings, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sustainability of Biobased Materials. We will personally guide you during this process so that you can make a decision that is in line with your goals.
Period 6: Project period 2
You will finish off your first year with another research project. As you and your team members have all gained different additional knowledge and skills during the electives, it’s now time to collaborate to solve the next research-challenge that is ahead of you.