
Global Studies

Would you like to understand how different parts of the world are connected through global phenomena such as climate change and migration? Would you like to contribute to a more sustainable planet and debate solutions for a more just society? Do you want to understand global challenges from a variety of perspectives coming from psychology, law, economics, history, global health, politics and sociology, to name a few? Are you interested in learning a new language and strengthening your intercultural skills through practical, hands-on experiences? Then the new Bachelor’s programme Global Studies is for you.

Global Studies is a truly interdisciplinary programme. It is the only Bachelor in the Netherlands to have 6 faculties equally teaching in the programme. This means that experts will help you to integrate knowledge from different disciplines to better understand and intervene in complex global problems. You will study with an international group of students, receive two years of language training, and have the opportunity to conduct a field study. 

Salomé Chemla, Student Ambassador Global Studies 2023-2024

Why Salomé chose to study Global Studies:
“I based my decision to study here on the contents of the programme and not so much on the city. So, you could say that Maastricht in fact chose me! I chose Global Studies because of the interdisciplinary character.”

What she enjoys most about the programme:
“We discuss issues from different angels within one course, instead of having courses in strictly defined disciplines. For example, when we discuss the issue of statelessness in class, we talk about the international law perspective because not all states have signed treaties to protect stateless people. We also take an economical perspective and ask: why did people leave their country? And we also take the psychological element into account by asking how an individual manages to be separated from their family.”


Salome Chemla

“Global Studies can be a bit overwhelming at first because it covers so many subjects. But at some point, you realise that it is all intertwined and important to combine all these perspectives.”

Information events


Are you a prospective student and interested in one of our bachelor's programmes?
We would like to offer you several (online) resources which can give you a feel of what it is like to study at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and provide you with some answers to questions you might have. You can visit a Virtual Open Day, compare our bachelor's programmes or make an online personal appointment for more information about the programme of your choice. You can also register for one of our Experience Days (on campus) or a Q&A session (online).

Sign up for our Experience days or Online Q&A sessions

An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a student in one of our bachelor's programmes. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group, accompanied by advanced students who will be happy to answer all your questions. Experience Days are intended for pre-university grammar school students in their last year of study who preferably have visited an Open Day at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Maastricht. More information on the programme of the Experience Day and registration:

4 December 2024, 26 February 2025, 9 April 2025 Arts and Culture, European Studies
27 November 2024, 19 February 2025, 2 April 2025 Digital Society, Global Studies

During our Instagram live Q&A sessions you will be able to talk to our student ambassadors. They will answer all your questions regarding the content of the programme, living and studying in Maastricht and much more. More information and registration:

27 February 2024 Global Studies, Arts and Culture

FASoS Experience Day 2024

Compare the FASoS bachelor's programmes

FASoS studievergelijker final


Are you curious which of our bachelor’s programmes suits you best? Would you like to know what your career opportunities are after finishing one of our four bachelor’s programmes? Are you still unsure which bachelor’s programme to choose? Below you find a useful tool to compare our bachelor’s programmes in terms of content, student profile, and career prospects.

 Compare the FASoS bachelor's programmes!



Programme video

In this programme video our teaching staff introduce you to the content of the BSc Global Studies programme.

Programme video Global Studies

UM and FASoS Campus Tour

At FASoS, we offer our prospective students the opportunity to join a campus tour on 18 December, 12 March 2025 and 7 May 2025. During this campus tour, one of our student ambassadors will show you our faculty, inner city and all important UM buildings. Are you not able to come one of the aforementioned dates? Don't worry! We also offer campus tours during our Open Days, Experience Days and Introduction Days.


Online Campus Tour

Are you not able to come from abroad for a campus tour? We also offer a virtual campus tour! Check it out through the interactive video on the left.


Bachelor's Open Day

Find out more about one of the most international universities in Europe, experience our unique approach to teaching, immerse yourself in your programme of choice, and explore our beautiful city. The next Bachelor's Open Day is on 12 October 2024.

Successful launch BSc Global Studies

In August 2020, students from 28 countries and scholars from all UM faculties and kicked off the new Bachelor Global Studies. The Global Studies team is happy to share impressions of the festive and well-distanced launch in the Theater aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht. The first cohort of 68 students includes representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, DRC, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States.

Official Launch Global Studies