Michelle Weijzen (the Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
I enjoyed the fact that the master programme in Venlo teaches students more than one discipline

During my bachelor, biomedical sciences, I liked the topic ‘nutrition’, as it is one of the main factors contributing to the lifestyle of an individual. I enjoyed the fact that the master programme in Venlo teaches students more than one discipline. While most master programmes are focused on preparing students for an academic career, the program in Venlo tries to prepare students for a business career. As I did not know after my bachelor whether I wanted to dedicate my life to research, I wanted to keep my options open.

Another important reason was the obligatory half-year internship. As the program is quiet broad, you are not trained to be a ‘master’ in a specific field. However, due to the internship in the second year, you can still specify on an area of your interest. Furthermore, this internship is a great opportunity to create a good network for your future career.

My main interest was clinical nutrition, or food products to improve patient care. During my internship at Daily Fresh Food in collaboration with Maastricht University, I combined academic research with a business-related project. I had the opportunity to experience how it was to work in a company, but also experienced how it is like to set up your own research. During this internship, I pushed myself to the limit and learned that I enjoyed all the different aspects of research, from creating to practice to writing. Without this internship, I would never have guessed that research was so much fun!

At the end of my internship I got the opportunity to stay in academia and I will be focusing on improving food for patients in a clinical setting.

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Other testimonials

  • Vincent van Buul
    Vincent van Buul, alumnus Health Food Innovation Management
    Collaborate across fields and cultures to take calculated risks. Without it, there is no progress.
  • Anouk van Weert (the Netherlands), master Health Food Innovation Management
    Anouk van Weert (the Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
    I would like to raise awareness about sustainable food choices, through large organisations or by using social media
  • Roxana De Sousa Garcia, master's student in Health Food Innovation Management
    Roxana De Sousa Garcia (Venezuela), Health Food Innovation Management
    HFIM offers me the unique possibility to combine my interests in business management with health and nutrition
  • Anna_pereira_master_health_food_innovation_management
    Ana Pereira (Portugal), Health Food Innovation Management
    My dream is to join a start-up in food innovation and make it grow
  • linde_rademakers
    Linde Rademakers, Health Food Innovation Management
    It’s not as if everyone in our programme only eats superfoods and oatmeal for breakfast
  • Karin Lenssen
    Karin Lenssen (The Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
    During my studies I learned to approach food related issues from a scientific point of view