Karin Lenssen (The Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
During my studies I learned to approach food related issues from a scientific point of view

I started studying MSc Health Food Innovation Management in September 2015. During my studies I learned to approach food related issues from a scientific point of view. On top of that, we take into account the industry’s mind-set in trying to resolve these issues. The various business trips arranged by the study association and the programme itself provided me with a realistic view on current important food issues. 

Studying at the small-scaled Campus in Venlo provided me with a nice study environment. The international group of students and staff in Venlo all know each other, which makes asking questions always easier. Due to this, the bachelor and two masters provided in Venlo all blend in really well, which makes the environment for all students really nice.

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Other testimonials

  • Vincent van Buul
    Vincent van Buul, alumnus Health Food Innovation Management
    Collaborate across fields and cultures to take calculated risks. Without it, there is no progress.
  • Anouk van Weert (the Netherlands), master Health Food Innovation Management
    Anouk van Weert (the Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
    I would like to raise awareness about sustainable food choices, through large organisations or by using social media
  • Roxana De Sousa Garcia, master's student in Health Food Innovation Management
    Roxana De Sousa Garcia (Venezuela), Health Food Innovation Management
    HFIM offers me the unique possibility to combine my interests in business management with health and nutrition
  • Anna_pereira_master_health_food_innovation_management
    Ana Pereira (Portugal), Health Food Innovation Management
    My dream is to join a start-up in food innovation and make it grow
  • linde_rademakers
    Linde Rademakers, Health Food Innovation Management
    It’s not as if everyone in our programme only eats superfoods and oatmeal for breakfast
  • HFIM Michelle Weijzen
    Michelle Weijzen (the Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
    I enjoyed the fact that the master programme in Venlo teaches students more than one discipline