Linde Rademakers, Health Food Innovation Management
It’s not as if everyone in our programme only eats superfoods and oatmeal for breakfast

“During the UM-bachelor Biomedical Sciences, I did a minor in Food Technology at Wageningen University. That gave me access to their master Food Technology. It was a dilemma for me: do I stay in Wageningen, in a reputable long-established programme, or do I choose the brand-new master Health Food Innovation Management on the new UM Campus in Venlo? Ultimately, the education system and the set-up of the master in Venlo was a better match for me. The student numbers in Venlo aren’t very high yet, so the atmosphere is very personal and pleasant.  

Especially when you have also done a bachelor at UM, the workload of this master's is not too bad. I'm also a quick learner and I have always done something besides my studies. That’s why I also enrolled in the one-year master's in International Business. It’s a matter of planning. On average, I have to be in Venlo three days per week and it takes an hour by train. Because I do two programmes, I can switch tutorial groups if that is more convenient.   

If all goes well, I will have finished my IB master when I start the last half year of this master: that's always an internship. I am going to do my internship at Alpro in Gent, in the International Consumer Insight Department, part of the marketing department. It's a good fit with my IB-track in Strategic Marketing, but Health Food Innovation Management is also business-oriented, and has a focus on consumer behaviour and innovation. Unfortunately, there are not many projects we do together with companies; that may have to grow a bit.  

What I find interesting about food is that everybody thinks they know something about it, but that very few people truly realise the impact food can have on the body. This contrast fascinates me. I think there is a lot to gain with prevention and education.

It’s not as if everyone in our programme only eats superfoods and oatmeal for breakfast. Some simply eat white bread with chocolate sprinkles for lunch, even though this group is a minority. There is a microwave in the building, so many of us bring soup or eat a salad. But with study association ISA UMAMI, in which I am also actively involved, we also go out and eat at a pizzeria sometimes.  

I'm head of the education committee at ISA UMAMI. We strive to introduce educational improvements, among other things, and perhaps because the programme is still so young, our opinion is taken very seriously. And that's a good thing, because ultimately a programme with a good reputation will also benefit us.”

Linde Rademakers (22, the Netherlands), master Health Food Innovation Management

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Other testimonials

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    Vincent van Buul, alumnus Health Food Innovation Management
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  • Anouk van Weert (the Netherlands), master Health Food Innovation Management
    Anouk van Weert (the Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
    I would like to raise awareness about sustainable food choices, through large organisations or by using social media
  • Roxana De Sousa Garcia, master's student in Health Food Innovation Management
    Roxana De Sousa Garcia (Venezuela), Health Food Innovation Management
    HFIM offers me the unique possibility to combine my interests in business management with health and nutrition
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    Ana Pereira (Portugal), Health Food Innovation Management
    My dream is to join a start-up in food innovation and make it grow
  • HFIM Michelle Weijzen
    Michelle Weijzen (the Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
    I enjoyed the fact that the master programme in Venlo teaches students more than one discipline
  • Karin Lenssen
    Karin Lenssen (The Netherlands), Health Food Innovation Management
    During my studies I learned to approach food related issues from a scientific point of view