Augustin Poncelet (Belgium), University College Venlo
The social impact of a small-scale university is huge

“The interesting thing about this programme is that you don’t have to already know from the start what you're going to study. You can try different paths and choose later. University College Venlo (UCV) teaches you how to approach all kinds of work challenges and how to be flexible. It prepares you for a future job that might not even exist yet. Everything is possible.

That’s also the case with the programme itself. We're the first bachelor’s students and I like the pioneering spirit. We can help shape the curriculum, so I proposed to my academic advisor that I would like to study abroad for half a year within this programme. Now fellow students are thinking about that possibility, too. We have to contact the university we want to go to ourselves and arrange everything, but that’s good, because it means you can go anywhere.

I really love it in Venlo. The social impact of a small-scale university is huge. People come from all over the world and everybody wants to get to know each other. Bachelor’s and master’s students at Campus Venlo mix really well. And the teachers really care about you. When my grandfather passed away recently, I was given the opportunity to miss more classes than what’s usually accepted, as long as I would catch up later.

I went to the open day in Venlo to orient myself. A staff member welcomed me, showed me around and took time to explain everything. I left the building knowing I wanted to do this programme. UCV also helped me a lot with finding a room. Every day I had five places to go see, and this way I found the perfect room across from the UCV building. I live in a student house with twelve students from the Fontys Hogeschool, where I also play sports a lot:  basketball on Tuesday, tennis on Wednesday and volleyball on Thursday. My classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, but I like to be in the UCV building every day, to study and meet people.

I love to meet new people and see new places. Every year, I try to stay for four weeks in a country I don’t know. Last year I was in Spain, the year before in Ghana. I always learn something when I’m abroad. In Spain, I learned how to build a chicken house. I would never think of doing that at home but it was a good experience. Ultimately, I would like to visit every country in the world. That would be a great objective.

Although I don’t know yet in which job and where on the planet I'll be working ten years from now, I know for sure that I will be traveling.”

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