Need more information?
For specific information about the programme:
For more information:
Phone consultation:
+31 43 388 3388

Meet us
There are several information activities for those interested in learning more about our programmes:
Open days
Experience days
Information activities

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Grote Gracht 90-92
6211 SZ Maastricht
+31 43 388 4772
Get directions
Postal address:
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
Need help with your application, housing, or student life in Maastricht? Contact the university.
Contact the university via:
Chat with us (Mon-Fri from 8.30 to 17.00 CET)
Phone +31 43 38 85388 (SSC)
You can tour more UM buildings on the Virtual Campus Tour website.