Taghi Aliyev, Data Science And Decision Making - Data scientist Bol.com
I believe the project-based mind-set we acquired, prepared us well to work in a team with different backgrounds and skill sets. Those skills help us to reach common goals.

“I believe the project-based mind-set we acquired, prepared us well to work in a team with different backgrounds and skill sets. Those skills help us to reach common goals“, says Taghi Aliyev who obtained his BSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence as well as his MSc Data Science and Decision Making at Maastricht University.

“My time at the university opened my eyes towards the endless possibilities and opportunities machine learning and artificial intelligence can provide in today's world, as I applied and worked on projects ranging from medical research and satellite image analysis to anomaly detection and now towards language and text analysis.” Taghi works as a data scientist at Bol.com, one of the largest retail platforms in the Netherlands and Belgium.

“I am currently developing a new Machine Learning solution to automate Tax Rate Determination for all the products we sell.”

Other testimonials

  • Marc Pont, alumnus Data Science for Decision Making
    Marc Pont, Data Science for Decision Making
    I’m surprised by the recentness of the knowledge that I gained