Marc Pont, Data Science for Decision Making
I’m surprised by the recentness of the knowledge that I gained

I recently started to work as a Decision Support Specialist and Data Scientist at Yunify, an e-Health company. I feel that my studies at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS) prepared me well for that. For many techniques from Machine Learning and AI, you get explanations about how we can make sure they are working well. By thinking so much about things like uncertainty, instability and error values, I learned to be alert at whether I’m doing the right thing. It’s a perfect match for the job I have now.

I appreciated that the professors could point out both business and academic challenges, thus showing the link between corporate reality and my academic training. The communication with teaching staff was extremely open: I always got swift replies to questions, by e-mail or by simply visiting their office.

Studying in Maastricht was amazing. DACS students are a very open-minded group and it took me little to no effort to connect to others. The diversity in the group makes it easy to talk to people. Looking back, I’m also surprised by the recentness of the knowledge that I gained. When I’m talking to people in the same field, I noticed I sometimes talk about things they aren’t yet aware of.

Read the full story: Marc discusses the curriculum, atmosphere and job search

Other testimonials

  • Taghi Aliyev
    Taghi Aliyev, Data Science And Decision Making - Data scientist
    I believe the project-based mind-set we acquired, prepared us well to work in a team with different backgrounds and skill sets. Those skills help us to reach common goals.