Marjolein van der Vlegel (the Netherlands), Epidemiology
Our research into prevention of certain diseases will make this world a better place.

Marjolein is from the Netherlands and chose to come to Maastricht for the master’s programme in Epidemiology. “In the second year of my bachelor’s in Life Science and Technology at the TU Delft, I found that however much I liked the research and science side, a more health-related study was what I really wanted. I did finish the bachelor’s programme but opted for a gap year afterwards to do some travelling and make up my mind.

I considered studying medicine, but decided against that and looked at master’s programmes instead. Looking for a programme in which I could combine my love for research, science and health, I came across Epidemiology. Other Dutch universities offered a two-year programme, Maastricht a one-year version. That fact and the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) environment at Maastricht University clinched it for me.”

Marjolein moved to Maastricht in the summer to a sub-rent but quickly found her own space once she was here. “I love this town; it’s cosy, lively and perfect in size.” And even though PBL was completely new to her, she is a great fan. “It helps you internalise everything so much better. Explaining and discussing views during tutorials is a great way of studying. And since the group is so small, you get lots of personal attention, which is really nice. The teaching staff even joins us for lunch, which to me is amazing and completely new.

The programme is also very international, with approximately half the students being non-Dutch, coming from countries as far as India and South-Africa. That puts my idea that I’m living far away from my friends and family into quite a different perspective!”

Other testimonials

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