Introduction to Brain Science
Full course description
This course has three main purposes. A first goal is to make students feel welcome in the course and in the BSc Brain Science. The tutorials in this course will make ample room for students to get to know each other, and for getting familiar with the teaching system (PBL) as implemented in the BSc Brain Science. The materials to be read and discussed in the tutorials will be limited, in order to allow for this.
The final assessment for this course is pass or fail - and not a numerical grade between 0,0 and 10,0.
A second goal is to provide students with a bird’s eye overview of the curriculum, insight into the principles that underlie its construction, and information about the role of different courses, the projects, electives, and internship/thesis. In this way, students will know why they have to undertake specific learning activities at any given moment in the curriculum. Students will be informed about their (excellent) perspectives for master choices, and excellent job prospects. Some practical information will also be provided in this course (e.g., on mentorship, social media etiquette in lectures and tutorials, choice of projects, etc.). A third goals is to introduce students to the transdisciplinary field of Brain Science at a content level. The scientific method and its historical/philosophical antecedents will be covered, leading to the concept of the theoretical-experimental cycle. In an introductory and conceptual manner, through the use of examples, the course will also anticipate on the application of the mathematical training in brain research. Finally, the course will highlight cutting-edge methodological developments in this transdisciplinary field, such that students learn not only about the history of their chosen academic discipline, but also about its exciting future.
“Please note: the final assessment for this course is pass or fail - and not a grade.”
Course objectives
- Be able to summarize the historical events relevant to brain research within the three core fields underlying Brain Science: mathematics, psychology, and biology.
- Understand the roots of the transdisciplinary field of Brain Science in its constituting research traditions.
- understand the core ideas of the scientific method and good experimental design
- understand basic principles of philosophy of science, including the relationship between theory and data, and scientific progress through falsification of hypotheses
- Understand the basics of some of the current findings, theories and computational models that emerged from different research traditions, and understand their interrelations.
- Develop a beginning understanding of the current and future directions for the transdisciplinary field of Brain Science, with awareness of potential ethical concerns
- Develop skill in writing about various topics in brain science (e.g., describing, explaining and contrasting theories), with a sense of critical thinking.
- Learn how to explain important concepts and theories in brain science to each other, thus working as a team to collectively increase understanding of the topics covered in each task.
- Apply good, respectful communication in the group, and write in professional English.