The Applied Researcher III
Full course description
The Applied Researcher III is the third and last part of a three period lasting research project, in which students will work in small groups to conduct research. Students continue working on the project that they started in the Applied Researcher I.
In this period the focus will lie on analyzing and interpreting the collected data after acquiring additional analytical skills in R and communicating the findings of the research project in a written research article that is of sufficient quality to be submitted to a journal. Students will also prepare and defend their research project in a poster presentation conference.
Course objectives
At the end of this project…
- Students have developed a basic ability to analyze collected research data and synthesize the results with the acquired content knowledge in order to draw reliable conclusions.
- Students have become aware of what constitutes an academic research article
- Students have further developed abilities needed to successfully complete a research project (analyzing own data, writing and evaluating own research).
- Students have gained experience in critically analysing a research study
- Students have become acquainted with presenting their research in a conference and answering critical questions.
VSK1000 The Applied Researcher I; VSK1004 The Applied Researcher II
Recommended reading
No essential reading list is provided. Students are expected to search for and identify credible and relevant sources by themselves.