Clinical Psychology Package Internship A
Full course description
As a psychology student, you gain a lot of relevant theoretical knowledge and skills and in this elective you have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills in practice. The aim of this course is to facilitate you in developing knowledge, skills and abilities that are relevant for psychologists. In this way, you will increase your employability:
As part of the Clinical Psychology Package, for 5 ECTS, psychology students complete a short (3.5 week) orientation internship; Internship A.
Students must complete Internship A, prior to starting Internship B.
Students can apply to a variety of 'settings' for their internship. Suitable ‘settings’ provide students the opportunity to gain practical experience, relevant for becoming a psychologist. During this practical, students need to work under the supervision of an experienced psychologist. At the start of the practical, the student drafts a personal development plan (PDP), defining the learning objectives for the practical. In addition to the work experience, the student must write a report about this experience. As such, the student will get more insight into the work setting(s) of a psychologist and s/he will gain experience with applying knowledge and skills essential for being a psychologist.
Note: this practical experience cannot be used to fulfil the prerequisites regarding the theoretical background and working experience set for the psychodiagnostics registration (i.e., the BAPD) and/or vLOGO.
The final assessment for this course is pass or fail - and not a numerical grade between 0,0 and 10,0.
Course objectives
The student:
- obtains insight into the work setting(s) of a psychologist;
- gains experience with applying knowledge and skills essential for being a psychologist.
Registered in Clinical Psychology Package (4 elective package)
The students must find and secure the internship and internship supervisor which meets requirements independently. Internship needs to be approved by UM course coordinator.