Acute Care II
Full course description
Recovery of a patient with acutely threatened vital functions at the hospital emergency department
In this course you will learn how to treat children as well as adults with a compromised vital function in a clinical setting. To be able to do this, you will refresh existing and gather new knowledge on different organ systems (lungs, nervous system, and bones). Psychiatric emergency situation will also be addressed. You will elaborate on the structured approach, including how to communicate information to professionals who take over medical care. You will learn how to reflect on the delivered care and formulate points for improvement. You will learn to use capacity management and figures regarding quality of care.
You will learn how to incorporate prognosis into your assessments and to discuss the limitation of care with the patient. You will reflect on starting and stopping treatments, also in mentally incompetent patients.
Course objectives
- Apply and analyze the ABCDE assessment; to recognize abnormalities in vital functions using the ABCDE assessment in an emergency department including early warning system.
- Apply primary and secondary treatment measures in ABCDE abnormalities in adults and in children, including the clinical reasoning process and to perform the SBARR system. To apply BLS AED in children and adults.
- Applies the principles of crew resource management and debriefing in the acute interprofessional teams setting
- Motivates possibilities surrounding decisions in and for patients with mental incompetence, end-of-life care, and organ donation procedures in the emergency setting
- Evidence based risk analysis: Explain methodological theory on risk analysis in patients in the acute care setting
- Coping strategies: Knowing how tolerance of ambiguity affects clinical decision making and applying different coping strategies to deal with uncertainty in acute care situations
Recommended reading
- M. Poeze
- L. Goossens
- R.P.W. Rouhl