Writing and Presenting a Research Paper
Writing and Presenting a Research Paper
Full course description
This course aims at training various skills: academic writing, searching for academic literature, presentation skills, searching for specialised EU literature (in legislative databases or archives), bibliographic skills, and giving an academic presentation. The objective is to obtain skills in writing academic essays; presenting research results; writing academic research papers; searching for academic articles; keeping and using bibliographic references.
Course objectives
• have knowledge and understanding of: the APA referencing guidelines • have the ability to: structure written text as an academic essay and as a research paper, to select and properly reference (academic) sources • have the skill to: identify relevant (academic) sources for research projects and to create and maintain a bibliographic library (recommended is the use of bibliographic software e.g. Endnote or Zotero); • have the ability to: construct a convincing academic presentation given a particular time-limit, to answer follow-up questions and defend one’s views in an academic setting;
Recommended reading
Greetham, Bryan. (2008). How to Write Better Essays. 2nd ed., Palgrave Study Skills, New York: Palgrave Macmillian
Bailey, S. (2014) Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students, Routledge: London
Billig, M. (2013) Learn to Write Badly - How to Succeed in the Social Sciences, Cambridge University Press.
Duarte, N. (2012) HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations , Harvard Business Review Press