Practical: Personality Diagnostics
Full course description
In this practical students explore the personality diagnostic methods used in the trait paradigm. The trait paradigm is one of the most popular paradigms within personality research and personality diagnostics in practice. The goal of the practical is for students to write a personality report about a person they know well. This person has to fill in a personality questionnaire. At the same time, students have to fill in an observer's personality questionnaire about this person. Students learn how this information is processed and how t-values and z-values can be calculated. Based on this information, students will write a report in which they describe the results in accordance with personality research, but also in a way that is understandable for academic non-psychologists, such as doctors, jurists, social workers or teachers.
The final assessment for this course is a numerical grade between 0,0 and 10,0.
Course objectives
Students are able:
- to explain personality diagnostic methods used in the trait paradigm/multivariate paradigms;
- to execute a personality assessment, i.e. to take and interpret personality questionnaires and observer reports (self and observer questionnaires);
- to calculate personality scores (T-values, Z-values);
- to report the results of a personality assessment in a formal report.
- L.K. Goller