Master Thesis Biobased Materials
Full course description
The curriculum of the Biobased Materials culminate in a Master thesis research project (from hereon termed: Master thesis). This part of the curriculum is a final proof-of-capability for the Master students. It allows the students to demonstrate that they have gained sufficient knowledge, competences and skills to perform independent scientific research and become an independent thinker. During the Master thesis, the students prepare for the next step in their career. The Master thesis comprises 28 weeks of work (total of 32 weeks between execution and presentation/defenc of the second year of the curriculum and accounts for 48 ECTS of the Master degree.
The student should carry out the project autonomously under guidance of a thesis research supervisor, a member of the receiving academic or industrial research institution/group. Each student carries out their own Master’s Thesis Project, even in case of a complex project carried out by a team of scientists/students.
Thesis projects can be carried out under supervision of UM research groups, or at other faculties, universities, research institutes or companies in the Netherlands or abroad. Irrespective of the internship location or organization, the topic of the thesis should be scientific and directly related to the scientific field of the Master programme (e.g. Systems Biology or Biobased Materials) and its competences. The topic for the Master thesis is chosen by the student in close consultancy with a research supervisor. A short description of the topic is submitted to the thesis coordinator using the Master thesis information form (as described below). The thesis coordinator is responsible for checking the alignment of the submitted thesis topic with the Master programme goals and competences.
During the Master thesis, the students will complete the following tasks:
- write a research proposal, which includes a clear scientific background overview on the thesis topic (including knowledge gaps), research question/aim, hypothesis, rationale and a manageable research plan (methods, analysis, time plan);
- execute the research plan and troubleshoot encountered problems to improve and develop the project;
- analyse and process data and report the results, discuss results in the context of the existing literature in the field, and elaborate conclusions in a written Master thesis report;
- present and defend the thesis project in an oral presentation
Course objectives
The Master thesis is an individual research project in which the students should be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to plan and perform an individual high-level scientific research project in the pertaining field;
- Develop team-work and communication skills by participating as an active member of a research group;
- Practice the scientific method by writing hypotheses, collecting and analysing data and troubleshooting when needed;
- Effectively communicate science both in writing through a written Master thesis report describing the results, conclusions and the relevance of the conducted research, and orally in a thesis defence presentation.
- K. Saralidze