Polymer Processing
Full course description
Biobased materials are the basis for biobased products. The master program Biobased
Materials provides a broad overview of different aspects of the production and evaluation
of biobased materials. The elective Polymer Processing deals with the processing of
polymers into products and thus closes the gap between materials science and product
The material structure, the processing parameters and the desired product properties are
usually interdependent. The properties of the materials are usually strongly influenced by
the manufacturing processes. The drawing of fibres during their production for example,
leads to much higher orientation of the material and ant the end much higher tensile
strength as other processes like for example injection moulding.
Processing machines have to be seen as tools for producing products with certain desired
polymer properties. The essential processing methods of the plastics industry (including
textiles) are described in this course. To support the understanding of polymer
processing fundamentals of rheology are covered.
Course objectives
At the end of the course we expect students will be able to:
Knowledge (K), Application (A), Analyse (An), Soft skills (S)
1) Explain standard processes in the (bio)polymer processing industry and standard processes of textile manufacturing” (K) and set up production chains (A)
such as: extrusion, injection molding, fiber spinning, etc. and such as natural fiber production, yarn production and the manufacture of textile fabrics such as woven
fabrics, knitted fabrics, multi-axial fabrics, etc.
2) Choose the right material and to choose suitable processes for a particular product” (A).
3) Describe structure formation during processing” (K) and design processes (A) During the production of products from biopolymers their structure is influenced. For
example, more or less amorphous phase can be adjusted by cooling more or less during solidifying polymer melts. This has consequences for properties such as
optical transparency or brittleness of materials. And the end of the course of the participants are able to explain the structure formation for all processes, to choose
the right processes and to analyse running processes from ILO 1).
4) Present their results and to give helpful feedback to colleagues” (S) Effective communication is communication that is perceived by the other as it is meant by communicators. For this, it is necessary to communicate in a way that is appropriate for the addressee. After completing the course, the participants will have
the ability to address different sensory channels (hearing, seeing, …) and to create effective presentations. The essential prerequisite for personal development is to
evaluate feedback from the environment, i.e. to consciously deal with it and to implement things or to consciously refrain from doing so. The basis for this is to
formulate helpful feedback that can be accepted by the addressee. Participants of the course get to know tools to give helpful feedback and are able to apply them.
5) Describe the conditions of industrial production facilities” (K) After completing the course, students have a basic understanding of the practical
constraints of industrial production. They are able to consider the practical boundary conditions of industrial production during the development of production processes.
6) The participants will know and be able to apply (A) “basic concepts of rheology on polymer processing problems (K).
Recommended reading
Mandatory Literature:
The books will be used partly! Not 100 % of the books are relevant.
The relevant parts will be defined during the lectures.
1. Book, Recycling of Polymers: Methods, Characterization and Applications 1. Edition, Raju Francis, ISBN-10: 3527338489 and ISBN-13: 978-3527338481, Hardcover: 288 pages
2. Book, Understanding Polymer Processing 2E: Processes and Governing Equations
2. Edition, Tim A. Osswald, ISBN-10: 3662463407 and ISBN-13: 978-3662463406, Flexibound: 362 pages
3. Textile Materials for Lightweight Constructions: Technologies - Methods - Materials - Properties 1. Edition, Chokri Cherif, ISBN-10: 3662463407 and ISBN-13: 978- 3662463406, Hardcover: 677 Seiten
4. Rheology book not chosen yet.
Additional Literature:
Lecture material created by G. Seide will be distributed.