Organic Coatings: Modification and Spectroscopical Analysis
Full course description
This course is an elective course open to students of the master biobased materials. For this course, basic knowledge in organic chemistry is required as well as basic knowledge in materials science (course Principle of Materials Science). The course Macromolecular Chemistry is a good course to be followed before taking this course, though it is not obligated.
- colloids and interface chemistry
- properties of coatings
- coating formulation I
- coating formulation II
- film formation, solvent borne coatings, high solids coatings and waterborne coatings
- radiation curable coatings, powder coatings and electrodeposition coatings
- characterization of coatings
Course objectives
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. recall and apply theoretical knowledge in the field of surface chemistry (organic coatings) and characterization;
2. identify and discuss, in the frame of a scientific publication, what the research approach has been, which means have been used and why, to solve a question in the field. The student must be able to present this to a broad audience and prove his critical attitude;
3. know how to change surface properties to gain the desired properties;
4. learn to have an helicopter view over (lab) results of himself and his colleagues and is able to present (oral presentation) those different lab experiments as well as the corresponding results in a systematic way;
5. efficiently plan and design lab work;
6. make notes during lectures and when things are explained to them e.g. during tutorials, things that are not mentioned in full detail in the slides, ...
Recommended reading
Mandatory Literature:
The PowerPoint files and tutorial group instructions will be available on CANVAS. We will also make use of scientific publications in the field.
These PowerPoint files form the core of this class and as such, in addition to the tasks the most important study material.
Recommended textbook:
Zeno W. Wicks Jr., Frank N. Jones, S. Peter Pappas, Douglas A. Wicks, Organic Coatings: Science and Technology 3rd Edition