Placement and Thesis
Placement and Thesis
Full course description
To complete the MSc in Global Health program students will have to write a master’s thesis which is grounded either in empirical data selected by the students themselves, or in data already available at the institute that hosts their study. A thesis in the format of a literature review is also allowed. The research proposal for the thesis project is written during the second trimester as part of module MGH4006 (Jan.-April), whereas data collection and analysis and actual writing take place between May and August. Drafting the research proposal, data collection and writing are supervised by a daily supervisor from the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML). This supervisor will assess the research process and internship and also provides one of the two assessments of the thesis. A second, independent examiner, grades the thesis as well. The final thesis grade is based on these three assessments.
Course objectives
To learn how to design and conduct a scientific study about a relevant Global Health topic. To learn how to analyse scientific data. To learn about various research methods used in Global Health and to understand the position of the research methods they used therein. To learn how to adequately reflect on the study findings, showing a helicopter view and insight into the implications of the study findings. To learn how to adequately structure a coherent, concise and precise scientific thesis/journal article.
- R.L. Janssen