The Professional in Psychology: An Orientation Internship
Full course description
As a psychologist, people may contact you for your expertise and ask you to answer a variety of questions, e.g., ‘What kind of work or which program would suit person A best?', 'Why does person B experience problems in domain C?', or 'What can individual D do to increase his or her quality of life?’ Examples of issues relevant within organizations (such as businesses or schools) are: ‘How do I motivate my employees or my students to opt for a healthy lunch?’ or ‘Are the volunteers in our organization satisfied with how we coach them and how can we improve satisfaction?’ During his or her training and work experiences, a psychologist has gained theoretical knowledge and skills and, as such, can advise (or assist) an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization/ institution with respect to these questions. During their studies, psychology students gain this theoretical knowledge and learn skills, and that they (can) practice applying both.
For 6 ECTS, psychology students can complete part of the elective program, 3rd year of the Bachelor of Psychology (FPN), while working in an institution or company and gaining relevant practical experience. However, note that a student can only be enrolled in this elective ‘The professional in psychology: An internship’, if s/he has found an internship on his or her own.
Students can work in a variety of 'settings': e.g., a (mental) health care facility, rehabilitation centres, schools, but also companies, such as HR consultancies. Suitable institutions or companies provide students the opportunity to gain practical experience, relevant for becoming a psychologist. If the student wants to obtain ECTS for this practical work, FPN has to approve the institution or company (and the content of the work) before the student starts working there. Students can only obtain ECTS for work conducted at one (and not multiple) institute(s).
During this practical, students need to work under the supervision of an experienced psychologist. At the start of the practical, the student drafts a personal development plan (PDP), defining the learning objectives for the practical. In addition to the work experience, the student must write a report about this experience. As such, the student will get more insight into the work setting(s) of a psychologist and s/he will gain experience with applying knowledge and skills essential for being a psychologist.
Note: this practical experience cannot be used to fulfil the prerequisites regarding the theoretical background and working experience set for the psychodiagnostics registration (i.e., the BAPD) and/or vLOGO.
This module is only relevant for FPN students and not available for Exchange students.
De eindbeoordeling voor deze module is pass of fail – en geen cijfer tussen 0,0 en 10,0”
Course objectives
The student:
- obtained more insight into the work setting(s) of a psychologist;
- has gained experience with applying knowledge and skills essential for being a psychologist.