Computer Security
Full course description
Computer security is the process of securing information systems against unauthorized access. As information systems have become mandatory in the modern world, coupled with the increased frequency of security incidents, organizations now recognize the need for a comprehensive security strategy. The course will introduce a wide range of topics in computer security and online privacy. The main objective of the course is to cultivate a security mind set by discussing various attack techniques and defenses. The topics we will explore are information security (cryptography, cryptoanalysis), software security and network security, as well as designing secure systems. The class will consist of lectures in which several computer security issues will be discussed. In parallel, there will be bonus assignments where the students will have to solve some of the most important issues we discussed in classroom.
This is an optional course: Third year students choose three electives per period out of the optional courses during period 1 and 2.
Desired Prior Knowledge: Introduction to Computer Science (1 & 2), Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Engineering, Databases.
Recommended reading
- J. Buchmann. Introduction to Cryptography. Springer.
- Tanenbaum & Bos. Modern Operating Systems (4th edition). Pearson.