IP Entrepreneurship and Management
Full course description
This module covers of the complete idiom of regulation involving valorization of knowledge and IP management; innovation systems (national, emerging, international), R&D, government-university, university-business, entrepreneurship (start-ups, spin-out, spin-in, technology transfer), IP markets, acquisition, maintenance, enforcement and value creation, diffusion and social returns. In particular, the course focuses on new dimensions in innovation law, policy, economics and management.
Taught by: Meir Pugatch (UM)
Teaching methods: Lectures, tutorials, assignments, and role play
Assessment method: Assignments (60%) and role play (40%).
Course objectives
At the end of this course, the student is familiar with the most important aspects of entrepreneurship, intellectual property strategy, management, technology transfer and bridging the valley of death, and is comfortable with taking a role in representing the interests of R&D firms or individual researchers in government-industry, university-business and other technology transfer relations.