Why this programme?
Accounting is the backbone of any company. Without it, employees, processes and products can't be organised and maintained. Financial information needs to be gathered, interpreted and checked in order to be able to make business decisions and to provide relevant information to stakeholders. How many employees should we hire? How many products should we make? What information is relevant for investors in our company? These questions are the kinds you'll answer in this exciting study of Accounting and Business Information Technology.
Student profile
You should be a team player and a critical thinker, with an innate curiosity about the way organisations work. Mathematical ability and quantitative skills are a plus. Accounting may not sound very glamorous, but remember that it's often as much about people as it is about money - interpreting financial figures in a real-life context affects people in real businesses. Teamwork and interpersonal skills are therefore just as important as your number skills. Our Accounting programme is internationally oriented, so you should be keen to experience other countries and cultures.