
Your first steps into statistics

Online introduction to statistical methods for data analysis. 

Looking for a course that will help you to gain knowledge and skills needed to critically interpret scientific literature. To design, analyze and interpret your own scientific data and to be able to report the findings in a clear and concise manner? This is it!

The focus of this course is on statistical concepts and techniques that play a crucial role in summarizing and describing observed variables and relationships between variables, as well as generalizing the results for a larger group of people than the observed group. The course consists of three themes:

  • The first theme summarizes the observed data.
  • The second theme introduces the testing concept.
  • The third theme pertains to various basic statistical techniques that are used to analyze observed data.

Ample opportunities for peer exchange, peer review and individual consultations with the two course leaders will enable you to understand and employ your first statistical analyses. A variety of sessions on core concepts such as sampling, hypothesis testing and statistical test are offered during this four-week course (including study hours 20-30 hours per week).

The course is intended for PhD students who wish to extend their knowledge and skills related to statistics and data analysis. The course is not intended for researchers with extensive knowledge and experience in statistical analyses.

Overview of topics and objectives

1.1 Knowledge and insight
After completing this course, the student will have knowledge of and insight into:

  • Descriptive statistics (including frequency, average, median, standard deviation, interquartile range, histogram, boxplot, cross-classified table, and scatterplot).

  • The principles of inferential statistics, such as population distribution, sample distribution, sampling distribution, central limit theorem, hypothesis testing, p-value, and confidence interval.

  • The basic principles and concepts of elementary statistical techniques (including t-test, chi-square test, and simple linear regression).

  • The differences and similarities between various basic techniques (such as a t-test and simple linear regression).

1.2 Application knowledge and insight
After completing the course, the student can:

  • Carry out simple descriptive statistics using the SPSS statistical package.

  • Carry out a simple test (t-test, Chi-square test, simple linear regression) using the SPSS statistical package.

  • Make a justifiable choice from a number of elementary analysis techniques in order to answer the research question(s).

1.3 Making judgements
After completing the course, the student:

  • Is able to adequately interpret the results of learned statistical analyses in view of the research question and, in doing so, provide critical comments.

Contact staff
Both course leaders have been involved in a wide range of research projects in health care.
(1) Miranda Janssen, Msc member of the Dept. Methodology & Statistics at FHML. She has extensive experience in statistical education for bachelor students and in consultation about statistical methods for master and PhD students.

(2) Dr. Sil Aarts is an assistant professor at The Living Lab in Aging and Long-term Care, part of the department of Health Services Research. She has a PhD in general practice and has, through the years, accumulated a lot of experience in statistical analyses
+31(0)43 3881731

Course content (per week)

Week 1
Part 1: typology of variables, histogram, boxplot, indicators for central tendencies and dispersion, scatter plot, and measures of association for two variables (theme 1).
Part 2: simple linear regression, quality of a regression line, relationship between simple linear regression, and correlation coefficient – as a descriptive technique only (theme 3).

Week 2
Part 1: simple linear regression with a dichotomous independent variable, cross-classified table analysis, and effect sizes (OR and RR) – as a descriptive technique only (theme 3).
Part 2: construction and interpretation of a confidence interval, sampling distribution, central limit theorem, and one sample problem (theme 2).

Week 3
Part 1: null and alternative hypothesis, one sample t-test, p-value, two-sided testing (one-sided briefly), type I and type II errors (theme 2).
Part 2: two sample test for paired observations, comparison of more than two groups, and correction methods for multiple tests such as Bonferroni correction (theme 2).

Week 4
Part 1: Chi-Square test and assumptions (themes 2 and 3).
Part 2: statistical testing of regression coefficients for simple linear regression, and linear regression assumptions (themes 2 and 3).

Outline of course weeks




  • Students watch opening weekvideo
  • Students watch online clips, study syllabus & make assignments


Online session for 2 hours at 15.00


Students watch online clips, study syllabus & make assignments


Online session for 2 hours at 15.00 

* All weeks are similar in lay-out. All times are local times in Europe/Amsterdam time.

Course fees

PhD candidates (Promovendi) of FHML, M4I and MERLN: no fee

These courses are free of charge in case you are employed or registered as FHML PhD candidate. 
Others: €500,00
PhD candidates are given preference. 

Course dates

Day Date Time
Tuesday 26 November 2024 15.00-17.00
Thursday 28 November 2024 15.00-17.00
Tuesday 3 December 2024 15.00-17.00
Thursday 5 December 2024 15.00-17.00
Tuesday 10 December 2024 15.00-17.00
Thursday 12 December 2024 15.00-17.00
Tuesday 17 December 2024 15.00-17.00
Thursday 19 December 2024 15.00-17.00


PhD secretary
Available Monday until Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm
Friday morning: 9 am – 1 pm

+31 43 388 16 56
Visitors address: Fac.Bur. FHML, P.Debeyelaan 15/ Dr. Van Kleeftoren, 2N2.004