
Lab Animal Science

The Dutch Law on Animal Experiments (Wet op de Dierproeven, Wod) states that no animal experiment shall be carried out unless the way in which the experiment is to be conducted has been determined by a person whose qualifications satisfy certain legal requirements (ex art. 9 Wod). One of these requirements is the successful completion of this course on Lab Animal Science.

The course is fully booked. There are no places left on the registration list for the course in October, this fall. You could, however, register for the waiting list for the course in April 2025 by filling out the application form on this website. Please send this to:


Welcome to the course on laboratory animal science. This course is intended for researchers who plan to design and perform animal experiments in the Netherlands.  Researchers have ethical, moral and legal obligations when working with laboratory animals. Since animals are sentient living beings who can experience fear, pain and distress, all efforts should be made to minimize harm when using animals for experimental purposes. The 3R principle of replacement reduction and Refinement  introduced by Russell and Burch  will be highlighted,  as well as the importance of good science, good sense and good sensibilities  when working with animals and  performing animal experiments as defined by Carol Newton. The course consists of a basic course in laboratory animal science combined with a species specific course on rodents and rabbits. The course has a modular structure and is FELASA accredited. 

Target Audience

Researchers planning and performing animal experiments

Admission requirements

Beside the successful completion of a course in Laboratory Animal Science, an art. 9 certified researcher needs a MSc degree in a relevant biological or zootechnical discipline including:

  • knowledge of basic subjects of biology up to 18.75 ECTS (18.75 European Credit Transfer System points = 500 study-hours) including at least 7.5 ECTS on anatomy/zoology AND 7.5 ECTS on physiology.
  • Basic knowledge on anatomy, zoology and physiology will be assessed by means of an compulsory exam prior to the start of the laboratory animal science course.  The  exam is a multiple choice test that serves as proof of knowledge . You register for the  test and the Laboratory Animal Science course at the same time. You will be invited by the secretariat of the animal facility to schedule an exam date.

Course Duration

The course duration is 3 weeks. The course is scheduled over a 3-4 week period depending on the number of participants. In the first 2 weeks most theoretical lectures and workshops are scheduled. The discussion and evaluation of main assignment and the exam are scheduled at the end of the third week. The third and optional fourth week are used to schedule practicals. 

Upcoming start date

The next course is from 7 till 25 October 2024.


The certificates for the basic and species-specific course will be awarded when you have successfully passed the knowledge exam on anatomy, zoology and physiology and the final exam of the course. Both certificates are needed to apply for an article 9 license.


A course certificate of a recognized laboratory animal science course (e.g. the basic course and at least one species specific course) together with a completed Master in the EU or EEA in a relevant discipline are a requisite to qualify to receive a article 9 license. To assess whether you meet the legal requirements to plan and perform animal experiments and to be registered as an Article 9 researcher, please contact the local animal welfare body  of the UM.

Course Fees

Course fees can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

Contact course coordinator

Course coordinator:

Additional Information

The course is  approved by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

The course is FELASA-accredited since May 2019.

It is possible to follow individual course modules to complete the basic course  or follow only the species-specific course.

Since you work with animals during the course, it is advised to get vaccinated against tetanus.

Written exam

Min/Max number of PhD candidates:
Maximum number of participants is 30. Registration is on first come-first serve basis.

Course credits:
Number of course credits: 35. The number of credits that can be obtained after successful completion of the course is 80 SBU's / 3 ECTS.


Registration form

Registration form LAS Course

The supervisor has to agree with the costs.

Course fees
PhD candidates (Promovendi) and master students of FHML, MaCSBIO, M4i, MERLN and FPN ((FN) Fundamental neuroscience and (DN) Drug development & Neurohealth):

  • Basic Course (BAS) €880
  • Basic Course with rodents and rabbit (BKK) €1012,50
  • Species-specific course (SS) €355
  • Module EU1: National and international legislation €250 

Others and Alumni students:

  • Basic Course (BAS) €1870
  • Basic Course with rodents and rabbit (BKK) €2150
  • Species-specific course (SS) €760
  • Module EU1: National and international legislation €475.

Cancellation Policy

  • 22 or more days prior to the course start date: you receive a full payment refund.
  • 7–21 days prior to the course start date: 50% refund.
  • 7 or fewer days before the course start date or no-show: no refund.