
Introduction to Statistics part 1

Good statistical knowledge is essential when planning and conducting scientific research. It is also necessary for accurate interpretation of the research results. This course therefore offers an introduction to statistics with regard to scientific, patient-oriented research or other research into human or animal subjects. It covers different statistical concepts/methodologies rather than focusing on a particular package/software (as Introduction to R does).

Moreover, the statistical knowledge is necessary for analyzing the results obtained from the participant's own research. It also helps participants to evaluate the results of other published research and understand the relevance of these results for their own disciplines.

This course is a statistical course that covers different statistical concepts/methodologies rather than focusing on a particular package/software.


Dr. Shahab Jolani
Department of Methodology and Statistics (DEB1)
Phone: + 31 43 388 24 34

Target group

This course targets two groups of PhD candidates (1) those who have not taken any statistical courses and (2) those who wish to refresh their memory on basic statistical techniques. Therefore, PhD candidates who are familiar with the material taught here may skip this course.

Please note:

Participants enrolled in Statistics 1 are expected to be familiar with a statistical package/software (such as SPSS, SAS, STATA, or R). If you are unfamiliar with any statistical packages, we offer a brief introduction to SPSS in the beginning of this course. The first two classes are therefore reserved for those who are not familiar with SPSS. You must register separately for these classes. We urge participants to contact the local ICT support service to install SPSS.


After completing this course, participants should have acquired the knowledge of and insight into:

  • How to describe and summarize data

  • How to make inference for one, two or more than two populations

  • How to summarize the association between two variables

  • How to choose an appropriate statistical analysis strategy given a specific research question


  • Descriptive statistics
  • Inferential statistics (including concepts of testing hypotheses)
  • One sample and two (in)dependent samples t-test
  • (Factorial) analysis of variance
  • Correlation and linear regression analysis
  • Chi-squared test for categorical variables
  • Non-parametric tests
  • Introduction to power and sample size calculation

Course material

  • handouts provided by the tutor


  • Altman, D.G. (1992). Practical statistics for medical research. London: Chapman & Hall.
  • Moore, D.S., McCabe, G.P., Craig, B. & Passer, M. (2017). Introduction to the practice of Statistics, 9th edition, Freeman and Company, New York.
  • Rosner, B. (2000). Fundamentals of biostatistics. Pacific Groves: Duxbury Thomson, Learning.
  • Tan, F.E.S. and Jolani, S. (2022). Applied linear regression for longitudinal data: with an emphasis on missing observations (1st ed.). Chapmen and Hall/CRC. Chapter 2.
  • Utts, J.M. & Heckard, R.F. (2015) Mind on statistics, 5th edition, Cengage Learning.
  • Imbos, Tj. Janssen, M.P.E. en Berger, M.P.F. (2001). Methodologie en statistiek deel 1, Maastricht: Universitaire pers.
  • Berger, M.P.F., Imbos, Tj. Janssen, M.P.E. (2002). Methodologie en statistiek deel 2, Maastricht: Universitaire pers.
  • Slotboom, A. (2001). Statistiek in woorden - De meest voorkomende technieken. Groningen: Wolters-Nordhoff

Course fees

PhD candidates (Promovendi) of FHML, M4I and MERLN: no fee

These courses are free of charge in case you are employed or registered as FHML PhD candidate. 
Others: €500,00
PhD candidates are given preference. 

Course dates

Dates Time Location
17-01-2025 11.00-13.00 SPSS only
21-01-2025 11.00-13.00 SPSS only
24-01-2025 11.00-13.00  
28-01-2025 11.00-13.00  
31-01-2025 11.00-13.00  
04-02-2025 11.00-13.00  
07-02-2025 11.00-13.00  
11-02-2025 11.00-13.00  
14-02-2025 11.00-13.00  
18-02-2025 11.00-13.00  
21-02-2025 11.00-13.00  
25-02-2025 11.00-13.00  
28-02-2025 11.00-13.00  


PhD secretary
Available Monday until Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm
Friday morning: 9 am – 1 pm

 +31 43 388 16 56
 Visitors address: Fac.Bur. FHML, P.Debeyelaan 15/ Dr. Van Kleeftoren, 2N2.004