Global Studies

As an alternative to Semester 5 “Peace & Justice” theme, students from the bachelor's programme Global Studies can follow one of the following minors in period 1 and 2 of Semester 5:

Minor Faculty ECTS
Gender and Diversity Studies FASoS 24/30
Entrepreneurship SBE 26
Sustainability SBE 25/30
Art, Law and Policy Making FoL/FASoS/FSE 24/30
Human and Legal Decision-Making FPN/FoL/SBE 25

At this moment, these above Minors are pre-approved and can be selected. If you want to do another minor offered at Maastricht University, the programme can assess whether this minor does not overlap with the curriculum of Global Studies. We ask you to send an email with the minor of choice, in which we want you to justify why this minor will be a good alternative option and how it is different than what is offered in GS. You can find more information on the other minors offered when clicking on the options for other programmes (like European Studies, Digital Arts & Society). It is important that you can get 24 or 25 ECTS with the minor you select, in period 1 and 2.

 Please note: the application process for the academic year 2024-2025 takes place from 1 June 2024 up and until 30 June 2024 23.59 hours CET. 

  Please keep in mind that some minors have a limited number of available places.

How to apply for a minor:

  • Global Studies students will be asked to make a decision between “Peace and Justice” as part of the programme, or if they want to choose a minor. Students can submit their preferences for field study destinations or a minor before 12:00 on April 18th, 2024 via the Semester 5 Choice survey.

  • Students will have to register for the minor themselves after registration in the period of 1-30 June 2024. They can apply directly via the Special Course Request procedure of the Student Portal. Please choose all courses of the minor you want to participate in or mention the name of the Minor programme you opt for in a note. 

  • Students can only participate in minors during periods 1 and 2. Students are required to participate in the Bachelor thesis proposal in period 3 and cannot take a concurrent minor.

Need more help? Read the manual.