University College Maastricht
Research Studio, Introduction to Artistic Research
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Research Studio invites to explore conducting research in an interdisciplinary team consisting of artists and academics. Bridging the domains of art and academia, Research Studio challenges students to get out of their ‘comfort zone’ and transfer their academic knowledge and skills to a new working environment. This interdisciplinary view on research is underpinned by the idea that art and academia are not separate domains, but ‘particular kinds of experimental practices in a more general experimental culture’ (Gere, 2010 ). Taken together, this skills training and project trigger creativity, require adaptability and endorse critical reflection on established research practices, methods and ways of knowing. They challenge to critically consider the questions how do we know what we know? And what for? The module starts with an introduction to practices of artistic research, which includes research approaches based on art practices as a means to acquire knowledge (see e.g. Borgdorff, 2012 ). Next, the students will familiarize themselves with artistic research by trying it out themselves. In a small team they will conduct artistic research on a topical issue introduced by an experienced artistic researcher. The aim is not to turn UCM students into artists or to ‘make art’. Instead, the aim is to explore ways in which practices and insights from the arts can help to get to know about the topic of the research. Hence, the project welcomes students from all concentrations. All team-members contribute based on their personal backgrounds, expertise and interests. No specific experience in an art practice is expected. Students should be open to experimenting with new or unfamiliar ways of conducting research, using for instance the body as a research instrument. After devising a research plan, the students will work with our resident artistic researcher(s) on their chosen questions by artistic and academic means and will work towards presenting their findings and their research journey in an ‘Open Studio’ at the end of the period.Doelstellingen van dit vak
Students will learn: 1. To familiarize themselves and engage with a variety of (artistic) research methodologies. This includes being able to recognize different forms of artistic research, being able to critically reflect on their application in different contexts and being able to relate them to (and potentially pair them with) academic methods of research. 2. Ways to engage in and discuss an art practice. This includes the use of artistic methods to generate knowledge (see objective 1) and the ability to distinguish between an art practice and artistic research. 3. Collaboration in a diverse and interdisciplinary team. This includes teamwork and communication skills as well as adaptability and reflection on one’s strengths and weaknesses in contributing to the team-effort. 4. To transfer their knowledge and skills to a practical issue of societal concern. This includes critical analysis of the topic, recognizing what questions can be raised and what approaches can be taken to address these questions. 5. To communicate their research to a specific audience This includes finding an appropriate ‘form’ to communicate about their research that follows from the approach developed during the research process and reflects on the methodologies involved.PRO3025
Periode 5Periode 6
7 apr 2025
4 jul 2025