Briefing Notes
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This skills course focuses on briefing notes, a commonly-used tool to brief policymakers on specific topics. Briefing notes present concise bagkround information and concrete advice. They are instruments by which decisionmakers learn about the challenges and complexities that arise in specific situations, and as such are one way in which experts can influence policymaking processes. If you work for ministers or decisionmakers at any level of government, you are likely to encounter briefing notes and recommendations at some stage. They can be seen as a form of applied foreign policy analysis.
The assessment for this course is an individual presentation of a briefing note that analyses a specific problem of international relations, weighs policy options, and comes to a recommendation for action to your superiors.
Doelstellingen van dit vak
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify, retrieve, and evaluate sources and data to build evidence-based arguments to explain past and ongoing developments related to Europe’s place in the world
- Present ideas and research findings in spoken English to specialist and non-specialist European and international audiences using an appropriate register, vocabulary and tone
- Function in a group setting and work in an international professional environment