Systemic Coaching for Psychologists
Volledige vakbeschrijving
Coaching can be defined as a developmental, tailor-made intervention in which a professional coach utilizes collaborative, reflective, and goal-oriented strategies to facilitate the development and performance of individuals or groups. Coaching puts coachees as learners at the center of the coaching experience, thereby aiming to promote their self-awareness and personal responsibility and unlock their full potential.
In this elective students will learn about the basic principles of systemic coaching (a form of coaching in which the larger system in which we all operate is considered) and will get to know a variety of cognitive, motivational, and behavioral techniques to help coachees achieve a mutually identified goal. In this elective students will form groups of three: Every student will act as a coach, but will also be coached by a peer, and additionally act as an observer who provides meaningful feedback on the coaching process.
Doelstellingen van dit vak
After this course students are able to:
- explain the basic principles of systemic coaching;
- differentiate psychological theories on the topic of personal development;
- understand the effects of different coaching techniques;
- independently design a coaching session for a client;
- flexibly and spontaneously apply different coaching tools based on the (changing) needs of a client;
- reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses in their role as a coach;
- reflect on their progress regarding a goal in their role as a coachee;
- provide meaningful feedback to coaches in their role as an observer;