Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen
Historicising European Union
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This module provides students with in-depth knowledge of central driving forces, turning points, and features in the history of European integration. It applies an interdisciplinary mix and combine approaches from history, international relations, and comparative politics and introduces students to working with primary sources. Thematically, the module focuses on some of the key moments of European integration history (such as the Hague summit of 1969) and combines this with more thematically organized sessions, e.g. focusing on actors in European integration history. It thus introduces students to the complexity of multi-perspective (and potentially multi-archival, multi-lingual) European integration history research and its relevance for understanding present-day and future challenges for the EU.Doelstellingen van dit vak
Research project related to the history of European integrationVoorwaarden
-Aanbevolen literatuur
Gilbert, Mark (2012). European Integration: A Concise History. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. James, Harold (2003). Europe Reborn: A History, 1914-2000. Harlow: Longman. Dinan, Desmond (2010). Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. Dinan, Desmond (ed.) (2006). Origins and Evolution of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Judt, Tony (2005). Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945. London: Penguin. Kaiser, Wolfram, Leucht, Brigitte, and Rasmussen, Morten (eds.) (2009) The History of European Union: Origins of a Trans- and Supranational Polity, 1950-72. New York: Routledge. Kaiser, Wolfram and Varsori, Antonio (eds.) (2010). European Union History: Themes and Debates. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Milward, Alan (2000, c1992). The European Rescue of the Nation-State. London: Routledge. Palayret, Jean-Marie, Wallace, Helen and Winand, Pascaline (eds.) (2006). Visions, Votes and Vetoes: The Empty Chair Crisis and the Luxembourg Compromise Forty Years On. Brussels: Lang. Patel, Kiran Klaus (2013). “Provincialising European Union: Co-operation and Integration in Europe in a Historical Perspective,” in: Contemporary European History 22 (2013), 649-673. Weiler, J. H. H. (1999). The Constitution of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wiener, Antje and Diez, Thomas (eds.) (2004). European Integration Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.RES5015
Periode 2
28 okt 2024
20 dec 2024
8.0Taal van de opleiding:
PBL, ResearchEvaluatiemethoden:
Take home exam, PresentationTrefwoorden:
Contemporary history, postwar, European integration