Science Research Project: Biomedical Engineering
Volledige vakbeschrijving
In the Biomedical Engineering Research Project students will form a small research team and join an ongoing research project in the Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine (MERLN). The project will be driven by a research question to provide a solution to a domain-specific problem, which requires the methods at the interface of biology and engineering. Your tasks will include all aspects of empirical research from the formulation of the research question, choosing and implementation of the right methodology, performing experiments, interpreting and analyzing results along with the scientific reporting of those results. We encourage you to look at the institutes website to get an idea of ongoing research: inspired-regenerative-medicine. A detailed description of the research project will be provided in due time. We ask all students with a definite interest in joining this Research Project to contact the coordinator via email ( In this email you should provide a short explanation as to how participating in this project adds to your curriculum. In addition, we request you to include an overview of the relevant courses you did. The coordinator and supervisors reserve the right to deny a student access to the project, should the student not meet the prerequisites. If this happens, the student will be allowed to register for another project.Doelstellingen van dit vak
● To provide students the opportunity to learn and apply knowledge in the field of biomedical engineering in the context of a team-based research project. ● To provide students first-hand experience of full-time academic research, by fully involving the team in an ongoing research project along with biomedical researchers.PRO3014
Periode 3
6 jan 2025
24 jan 2025
- Z. Tahmasebi Birgani