Doing Research in Arts and Culture
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This course aims to help students recall the methodological skills practiced in the first and second year, and to gain additional experience in setting up a research project. In intensive twice-weekly research ateliers (3.5-hour meetings), students will practice research, going through an entire research cycle, constructing a research design, choosing and/or combining methods, and drawing relevant conclusions from their analysis by coding primary sources and going through an entire research cycle. Within the setting of research ateliers (3,5-hour meetings, twice a week), Sstudents will work collaborate in small groups of 4 students to analyse a set of online available sources that were preselected by the course tutors. with a small subgroup of four students on a research design and an analysis of a set of online available sources that students will choose together with their peers from a reservoir of sources preselected by the tutors of this course. This implies thatHence, the students’ research questions will not yet be the ones to inform their bachelor thesis. The method(s) chosen by the students, however, will have a relation with the methods they expect to be using for their bachelor thesis. The groups will thus be formed according to the student’s preferences for particular methods. The exam will be a collective research report plus as well as an individual reflection on their performanceport.
Doelstellingen van dit vak
Upon completion of this four week course, the student will be able:
- to match research methods with research questions on a set of primary sources within a solid research design in the tradition of qualitative, interdisciplinary scholarship on arts and culture;
- to analyse such primary sources systematically in order to generate insights that go beyond the all-too-obvious;
- to take recourse to an inventory of problem solving strategies to tackle the issues recurrent in doing interesting academic research;
- to collaborate effectively and flexibly in a small group of peers, and reflect on this in an individual report;
- to present your findings in a coherently written collective research report
Aanbevolen literatuur
All literature on Research & Writing, and on Methods in the BA AC year 1 and 2.