Introducing Academic Communication: A Writing Project
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Communication plays an important part in everyday life; however, within academia communication is essential. Having good communication skills involves being able to express your ideas and findings in a clear and concise manner, within the strict guidelines laid out by the ‘scientific community’. In this project students will practice writing an academic piece that adheres to these guidelines and that can be considered ‘academically sound’. Students will be expected to put the learned skills of Intro to Academic Skills I & II into practice and write an extensive research paper. The project is mainly based on peer-to-peer education; by writing a paper within a small group students will be able to both share their skills and knowledge and learn from each other.Doelstellingen van dit vak
•The aim of this project is to acquaint students with the process and practice of writing a research paper. Furthermore, the goal is to familiarize them with working in a group. The tutor will assist students in this process and will be available to offer support, guidance and feedback. The emphasis of this project, however, will lie upon students’ own input, planning and group work.Voorwaarden
SKI1008 Introduction to Academic Skills I and SKI1009 Introduction to Academic Skills II.Aanbevolen literatuur
•Required reading material will be available in PDF format on EleUM.Instructional format
Tutorial group meetings.
Written assignments.
Periode 3
6 jan 2025
31 jan 2025
5.0Taal van de opleiding:
- A.K. Wellum
- A. Foster
PBL, Presentation(s), Lecture(s), Assignment(s), Paper(s)Evaluatiemethoden:
Final paper, Attendance, Participation, Written exam, Oral exam, Take home exam