Lifestyle, Work and Health in the EU
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After students have gained insight in the determinants of health and public health methods in general (courses EPH1021 and EPH1022), and in the influence of the (macro) social and physical environment on health (course EPH1024), this course specifically focuses on lifestyle and work characteristics as determinants of health. Students will also be introduced to methods to improve health and quality of life by intervening in these determinants, i.e. by health promotion, work-related interventions, and (EU) policies and regulations regarding lifestyle and work.
The course is structured according to a socio-ecological model, in which individual health is seen as a result of micro, meso and macro level influences and their interactions. On the micro level, the course focusses on the individual’s lifestyle, i.e. the individual’s health-related behaviour. On the meso level the focus of attention is on the work characteristics and how these influence employee health, and on the macro level the focus is on EU policies and regulations with regard to lifestyle and occupational health.
Work characteristics can affect individual health directly (e.g. dangerous or stressful working situations), and indirectly through lifestyle (e.g. shift work leading to an unhealthy lifestyle). Students will also be introduced in how socio-economic status, work characteristics and lifestyle interact, and how this contributes to socio-economic inequalities in health.
The socio-ecological model is also used to describe how interventions or (EU) policies and regulations can lead to improved health and quality of life. On a micro level, it is addressed how the individual’s behaviour can be changed to a healthier lifestyle. On a meso level, it is addressed how work characteristics can be improved and how the work site setting can be used for promoting a healthy lifestyle. And on a macro level, it is discussed how (EU) policies and regulations can lead to more health and well-being.
Doelstellingen van dit vak
By the end of the course, the student:
- Organizes and applies lifestyle and work related determinants of health on a micro, meso and macro level, and analyses what this means for interventions and policies.
- Analyses lifestyle and work influences on health and inequalities in health, and analyses what this means for interventions and policies.
- Analyses real-world data on health status and inequalities in relation to life style, work and work settings.
- Describes and compares health-relevant public policies with respect to lifestyle and occupational health at Member State and EU levels.
- Describes taxonomies of organizational factors and policies within work environments that impact health status
- Inventories and describes specific examples of public health with respect to lifestyle and the work context.
- Distinguishes among various categories (i.e. types) of work related and health promotion interventions at community, organization and policy levels.
- Matches research methods and data analysis to work-related and health promotion interventions.
- Applies critical academic thinking tools to dilemmas in work-related and health promotion policy, practice, and scientific research.
- Presents on public health topics for a lay audience.
- Identifies personal bias and prejudices related to distribution of responsibility and blame for (poor) health and acts responsibly to address them.
- Has experience with alternative forms of problem-based learning (i.e. flipped classroom).