Excursion to Central and Eastern Europe
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The excursion to Kraków, Poland takes place in November, with activities taking place Monday-Friday in Kraków.
The purpose of the excursion is for Bachelor EPH students, to have an in-depth field experience of various dimensions of the Polish (public) health care system. We enjoy lectures from our Polish colleagues at Jagiellonian University, one of Europe’s oldest universities. We also make site visits and excursions to health-care facilities and take tours of cultural destinations. Along the way, students will learn a great deal about the history of Poland, its healthcare system, and how that history has been influenced by Poland’s membership in the European Union. Students will also enjoy evenings together and can socialize with fellow students in Year 2.
Doelstellingen van dit vak
- Contributes actively and positively within autonomous project teams and ‘new’ teams in the minor
- Asks critical questions and tests commonly-held assumptions in forming views on health issues
- Identifies personal bias and prejudices related to professional responsibilities and acts responsibly to address them
- Behaves in a respectful, professional and reliable manner during the excursion
- Engages feedback from staff and students actively
- Provides constructive and insightful feedback to peers
- Summarizes health impacts of diversity in Europe, including socio-economic health inequities
- Appraises meaning of cultural diversity during possible minor period abroad and thereby shows cultural curiosity and openness, self-reflection and adaptability
- Defends findings and academic reflections upon findings with academic staff and thereby demonstrates intellectual adaptability and nimbleness
- Tests principles of research ethics and integrity against case studies from practice
- Applies critical academic thinking tools to dilemmas in public health policy, practice, and scientific research
- Distinguishes among various categories (i.e. types) of public health interventions at community, organization and policy levels
- Describes and compares health-relevant public policies at Member State and EU levels
- Surveys and contrasts environmental and life-style factors that impact health status
- Analyses real-world data on health status and inequalities
- Contrasts conceptualizations of public health and medicine and associated institutions and infrastructure