Adult Neuropsychology: An Introduction
Adult Neuropsychology: An Introduction
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This course focuses on brain-behaviour relationships and aims at increasing one’s understanding of how healthy humans (or brains) function and how brain disease, brain injury disorders, such as, traumatic brain injuries, stroke and dementia, express themselves and interfere with the demands of daily life. Relevant catchwords in this context are behaviour, higher cognitive functions (e.g., memory, attention, executive functioning and language), emotion and adaptation. During the course, students will collect knowledge on: (1) The clinical phenomenology of the most important cognitive and behavioural disorders seen in humans; (2) The underlying brain-behaviour relationships in these disorders; (3) The interrelationships between various cognitive dysfunctions, emotional-, and behavioural problems; and (4) Assessment methods, diagnosis and treatment. Students will also gain experience in the selection, administration and interpretation of commonly used tests, measuring the above-mentioned domains of higher cortical functions, affective functions, and behaviour.
The final assessment for this course is a numerical grade between 0,0 and 10,0.
Doelstellingen van dit vak
- students are able to work with basic functional neuroanatomy, neuropsychological assessment, behavioural disorders, executive functions and attention, memory, brain injury, aging, neuropsychiatry, motivation, emotion, coping, insight;
- students can apply a neurocognitive test and questionnaire on subjective complaints;
- students are able to specify the most common neuropsychological consequences of stroke, traumatic brain injury and dementia;
- students can explain the rationale of neuropsychological treatment.
- M.C. Marzolla