Faculty of Science and Engineering
Biobased Materials
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This course is more or less the mission course of the master programme. The course aims to make the students comprehend the importance of the transition from a petrol-based to a more sustainable biobased economy and society. The problems associated with this transition will be a central theme in this course. First the current state of biobased products, like bio-fuels, bio-plastics and biobased materials will be studied. Then the production strategies for these products will be considered in the context of sustainability. Furthermore, the problems associated with feed-stock and biobased building blocks are presented and will be discussed. Finally, the students will make a short study on the importance of a biobased material (or a group of biobased materials) for society and its future in a changing world economy.Doelstellingen van dit vak
To create a detailed understanding of the importance of biobased materials in the transition towards the biobased economy · To define what biobased materials are and how these can contribute to a more sustainable economy · To study different forms and sources of biomass and their processing technologies · To deepen the understanding and knowledge of biorefinery and cascading principles · To increase understanding about the current state of bio-fuels, bio- plastics, and other biobased materials · To create an understanding of the impact of bio-fuels, bio-plastics, and biobased materials on society and the environment and the methods to evaluate this impact (LCA) · To study and increase knowledge on the circular economy and its implications for society.BBM1001
Periode 1
2 sep 2024
25 okt 2024
6.0Taal van de opleiding: