Writing in an Academic Context: Improving Argumentation and Style
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This course is designed to assist students in polishing their writing skills. You will more than likely have already written a number of papers for various courses before attending this course; therefore, this course will not review very basic writing information. Rather, SKI2084 will help students look deeper into style while writing in English, and re-visit successful means of argumentation. By studying and practicing specific rhetorical tools, students will learn the importance of balancing an agreeable style with a persuasive argument. In this course, it will not all be about “content.” Your writing will matter. This means that you will have to look beyond the general ideas in your essays, in order to see the mechanisms of how your essay works, especially on a technical level. In other words, you will work to understand what you are doing in your writing and why – becoming more critical – which is more about learning the craft of writing in English than simply writing in English. Writing critically is enhanced by the ability to read critically; therefore, this course will also supply ample opportunities for you to learn to read critically as you hone your writing skills It is safe to say this course is interactive and writing intensive. This means you will be reading and writing both inside and outside of class. You will also be writing with your fellow students, and critiquing their writing, as they will critique yours. Although sharing your writing with others can be intimidating for some students, rest assured that this writing course is a safe space for you to work, make mistakes, and improve your skills.Doelstellingen van dit vak
•To improve your knowledge of argument and style. •To develop an understanding of the ways in which style and persuasion relate to the “craft” of writing. •To read and write critically. •To become more aware of the processes that produce quality writing.Voorwaarden
None.Aanbevolen literatuur
Additional •Writing Spaces Open Textbook Chapters; http://writingspaces.org/essays. •Purdue Online Writing Lab; http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/1/2/. •The Little Brown Handbook 10th edition (Available in the UCM Reading Room).Instructional format
Tutorial group meetings, micro-lectures, full-class discussion and small group discussion, with in-class reading, writing and workshopping.
Reading and Writing assignments (inside and outside the classroom), Critiques of other student’s writing, In-class Participation, Various Essay assignments, Final Essay and Presentation (variable).
Periode 2
28 okt 2024
20 dec 2024
2.5Taal van de opleiding:
- A.K. Wellum
- X. Tigani