Think Tank
Volledige vakbeschrijving
Students will be assigned to writing and presenting a (policy) recommendation that is partly based on the knowledge and expertise they have developed as a result of their educational program at UCM. Students will form a ‘think tank’ and write and present an extensive and elaborate (policy) recommendation for a client, i.e. a company or other kind of organization. The coordinators of the project will offer a topic in advance. The first week will focus on a problem analysis and an analysis of the knowledge and expertise of the members of the think tank. The second week will focus on doing research. The third week will deal with discussing and formulating solutions. During the final week students will present their report to an audience of experts. Besides having meetings with their fellow students and a tutor, the group will e.g. meet with guest experts (either invited by the coordinators or by the students themselves) and field trips in order to obtain the required information. Students will be assigned to a specific role within the think tank, depending on their academic background and skills.Doelstellingen van dit vak
•To be an academic follow up to the courses and skills training that students participated in as part of their educational program at UCM. •To give students insights into the field of policy recommendation. •To cooperate in a team that forms a think tank. •To combine the different fields of expertise within the think tank that are contributed by its members. •To analyze, do research on and work out solutions for a problem that is provided to them by an organization, institute or corporation. •To set up, discuss and finalize a report that contains an extensive and elaborate (policy) recommendation. •To deliver a presentation based on the report that was written by the think tank.Voorwaarden
At least two modules from the following list: SKI2049 Argumentation I; SKI3002 Argumentation II; Skills and Project Ethnographic and Qualitative Interviewing; PRO2004 Academic Debate; SSC1028 Statistics I (SSC1026 Quantitative Methods); COR1005 Modeling Nature. In addition, the coordinators would like to emphasize that Think Tank is a time-consuming project with a high workload which requires highly motivated students. They should have a broad interest in e.g. policy development and research and analysis. Due to the specific nature of the project and the fact that group work is an essential element, students should take into account that they need to be available during entire weekdays throughout the project. Participating in Think Tank as part of the regular workload at UCM is doable, but demanding. Therefore, having a higher workload due to e.g. additional or parallel projects is not allowed.Aanbevolen literatuur
•There is no general literature or course books that students need to buy or possess. Students will choose, read and use literature that is specifically related to their topic. •E-Readers.Instructional format
Students will meet with their group on a regular basis by means of tutorial group meetings, field trips, master classes etc.
Problem analysis (group assignment), individual research memo, final group report and a final presentation of the report.
Periode 6
26 mei 2025
13 jun 2025
5.0Taal van de opleiding:
PBL, Presentation(s), Lecture(s), Assignment(s), Paper(s)Evaluatiemethoden:
Final paper, Attendance, Participation, Written exam, Oral exam, Take home exam