Introduction to Programming
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This course is an intensive introduction to programming in Java that assumes no prior programming experience. It explores all aspects of modern programming by means of lectures and hands-on practical lab sessions. The course shows how basic data types and control statements are used traditionally. More precisely, we will deal with concepts such as variables, data structures, functions and object orientation. These need to be understood in all their facets. Furthermore, students will gain insight in the combination techniques and abstraction techniques available to build computer programs. It then considers the object-oriented features of Java and their usage for program design.Doelstellingen van dit vak
•To introduce students to modern programming using the object-oriented programming language Java. For this, we use the Processing environment (which builds on top of the Java programming language) to introduce you to the core computational concepts.Voorwaarden
Abstract thinking ability. Basic math knowledge is assumed. No prior programming experience is required.Recommended
SCI1006 Computer Science.
Aanbevolen literatuur
•Daniel Shiffman. Learning Processing: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction. ISBN-13: 978-0-12-373602-4 • •www.processing.orgIn structional format
Lectures and practical lab sessions. There is an attendance requirement of 83% for the total of all sessions. Essentially, this means that you are allowed to miss max. 2 of 12 sessions. Moreover, each practical session contains an assignment. These assignmentsb influence your exam grade (see `Examination').
Weekly programming assignments, A closed-book, open-questions exam at the end of the course. Possibly, a closed-book, open-questions re-sit exam. Additionally, all unfinished assignments (if any) need to be handed in although you will not receive any extra points for these assignments.
This course is a prerequisite for the following course(s):
•SCI2033 Datamining
Periode 1
2 sep 2024
25 okt 2024
5.0Taal van de opleiding:
PBL, Presentation(s), Lecture(s), Assignment(s), Paper(s)Evaluatiemethoden:
Final paper, Attendance, Participation, Written exam, Oral exam, Take home exam