Professional Behaviour (MSF) II
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This course is part of the Professional and Organizer competence, which is a longitudinal trajectory that spans the whole study year. In all eight-week courses and in a selection of the four-week courses, students are being assessed and receive feedback from their tutor and peers on their professional behavior and organization skills in the tutorial groups or the academic project groups. An electronic multisource feedback form on ePASS is used for this purpose. Among others, attendance, being on time, (professional) behavior in group processes and openness to feedback from others is assessed. Obtained scores are combined at the end of the of year (see assessment plan of the P-competence for details). Next to receiving feedback from tutors and peers, students provide feedback to fellow students and perform self-assessments.
Doelstellingen van dit vak
P-ILO1. Demonstrates appropriate interpersonal behaviour
- Behaves in a respectful, professional and reliable manner in PBL groups, practical trainings and group work
P-ILO-4. Organizes his/her work and study well
- Distributes workload throughout a course or project