Science Research Project: Data Science
Volledige vakbeschrijving
In the Data Science Research Project students will form a small research team and join an ongoing research project in the Institute of Data Science. The project will be driven by a research question to provide a solution to a domain-specific problem, which requires the application of Data Science methods. Your tasks will include all aspects of empirical research from the formulation of the research question, choosing and implementation of the right methodology, performing experiments, interpreting and analyzing results along with the scientific reporting of those results.
We encourage you to look at the institutes website to get an idea of ongoing research:
Doelstellingen van dit vak
To provide students the opportunity to learn and apply knowledge about Data Science in the context of a team-based research project.
To provide students first-hand experience of full-time academic research, by fully involving the team in an ongoing research project along with data science researchers.
Courses that are appropriate for the project that you choose, which will be specified in the project description. Generally, it is assumed that students have taken one or more courses related to data science (such as SCI2011 Introduction to Programming, SCI2033 Datamining, SCI2036 Artificial Intelligence, SCI2039 Computer Science, SCI3051 Data Analytics).
The topic description will be made available on the intranet (UCM Students) at the time of the course registration period. If you would like to join this project you need to apply for it by filling in the application form on the intranet (UCM Students). Part of this form asks you to elaborate on your motivation to follow the project. This should cover an explanation as to how participating in the project adds to your curriculum, why you think you are well prepared to follow the project and an overview of the relevant courses that you took. The application needs to be submitted in advance of the course registration deadline.
Depending on the topic being offered the number of available spots might be limited. Therefore, the course coordinator reserves the right to only select the students that are deemed most suitable. It will be communicated in a timely manner, but no later than 6 weeks before the start of the project, whether the application for the project was successful. If access to the project is denied, then you will be allocated to a backup project. Please indicate the backup project on your course registration form.
Note: This is a time-consuming, full-time project with a high workload. In principle, students should take into account that they need to be available during entire weekdays throughout the project.
Aanbevolen literatuur
There is no general literature or course book that students need to buy or possess. Students will choose, read, and use literature that is specifically related to their topic.