Bachelor Thesis
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Bachelor Thesis
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All students write a proposal in period 3, before they start their thesis. As part of drafting the proposal, all students are further introduced into scientific methodology of translating research questions in hypothesis. Detailed attention is paid to correct formulation. In addition, if applicable to the research topic, sample size calculation and the meaning of significance levels and statistical power are addressed for the most common statistical models (t-test, ANOVA, Mann- Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis, Pearson correlation, ICC and Kappa). The thesis coordinator approves the topic and location of the thesis and safeguards overall quality. Bachelor Thesis Research and Design: The bachelor thesis project is the final proof-of-capability for BSc Circular Engineering students. The individual project enables you to realise your academic profile through an integrated piece of research or research-based design. The size of the thesis allows you to contribute to the circular engineering discipline by a) either conducting an entire scientific cycle which consists of an analysis of lacking knowledge, formulating a hypothesis, formulating a research plan, executing experiments and reporting, or b) conducting an research-based engineering design cycle which consists of formulating a problem, setting of design requirements based on scientific evidence, generating several concepts and performing an evidence-based selection of the most optimal solution and reporting. Bachelor Thesis and Thesis Defence: You summarise and present the results in your bachelor thesis. As a form of public defence, you give an oral public presentation on your thesis work, in which you motivate your research plan in light of identified problem statements and research questions to be addressed. You carefully disclaim the approaches you took, the methods used for the data collection and processing and the results you obtained. You critically analyse your work in a discussion section and conclude the thesis within a final chapter that also contains a reflection of your work and the value of your work for society.BTH3010
Semester 2
3 feb 2025
4 jul 2025
- K. Saralidze