Science and Technology Studies (STS) for Development in a Global Context
Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen
Science and Technology Studies (STS) for Development in a Global Context
Volledige vakbeschrijving
This course will introduce students to Science and Technology (STS) studies as a theoretical approach. It presents students with different cutting-edge concepts and theories in the field of STS studies and enables them to study the intricate interplay of science, technology and society for development in the Global South and North and the way they are connected. Students learn to critically apply an STS perspective when exploring agendas such as what counts as ‘good’ knowledge for development; who is considered an expert for issues of development and why; and who ultimately decides about uncertain and ambiguous technologies. Students will also reflect on the methodological consequences of choosing an STS approach for studying development agendas. Using STS concepts, students will analyze a controversy around a particular technology that is currently negotiated in the field of development in a global context. Science and technology controversies covered in class include crop biotechnology (genetically modified cotton), health care (ultrasound in Ghana, clinical trials in the Global South), environment (water sanitation), crafts (handloom in India) and ICTs (internet and mobile phones).Doelstellingen van dit vak
At the end of the course students will: - have a basic understanding of the STS approach to study the relationship of science, technology and society - be able to analyze the ways in which state, civil society, market and scientific actors shape science and technology development in the Global South and North and vice versa - be able to apply STS insights (concepts, approaches, methodologies) when critically analyzing the role of science and technology for development in the global South - have knowledge of the Science and Technology studies approaches to the study of technological controversies - be able to analyze the ways in which technology controversies are embedded in particular socio-cultural, economic, ethical, political frameworks - learn to discuss, debate and critically evaluate current technology debates in the field of development in a global contextVoorwaarden
The courses: - GDS4000 and - GDS4002GDS4004
Periode 2
28 okt 2024
20 dec 2024
6.0Taal van de opleiding:
Lecture(s), PBLEvaluatiemethoden:
Assignment, Participation, Presentation, Final paperTrefwoorden:
Risk, uncertainty, Vulnerability, technological controversies, risk, society, risk culture, scarcity, GMO, Nanotechnology